So all can Love this Game.

We exist to impact lives through golf. By creating access to the game and industry we are developing lifelong players, future leaders, and creating lasting communities for today, tomorrow and generations to come.

Why golf?

To us, golf is more than a game — it’s a path forward, it helps us create community, allows us to get outside and celebrate the big and small moments. Golf is a connecting point where our differences don’t matter, and where all of us get the chance to be ourselves. For those reasons, and so many others, are why we are steadfast to ensure all can learn to love this game.

Plain and simple, more and more people are playing and enjoying the game of golf. In 2023, 45 million people in the U.S. participated in the game both on and off the course. Additionally, golf is a $102 billion industry — making opportunities limitless for one to pursue their dream career.

It’s about creating invitation and access to the game — we do this in three ways.
In 2023, 5,605 Scholarships were awarded through PGA Jr. League so boys and girls can learn and play the game in a team environment — many for the first time.
This past year, 17,000 Veterans were served through the power of golf and PGA HOPE — creating newfound community and wellness.
Underserved Communities
Since 2017, more than 120 recent college graduates have used golf as a springboard to start their careers — shaping leaders in and beyond golf.
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